Fun Dental Facts For Your Viewing Pleasure

March 19, 2019
Fun dental facts aren’t just fun to read – they’re fun to share! Especially with little ones who are just learning how to brush. Check out […]

Will Whitening Work for You?

March 14, 2019
The second most asked question dentists are faced with when discussing the whitening process for teeth is:   “Will whitening work for me?”   The answer […]

What Does Teeth Whitening Involve?

March 12, 2019
Many people have questions regarding the teeth whitening process. Here are answer to the top question most dentists get asked.   What Does Teeth Whitening Involve? […]

Diabetes Dental Health Action Plan

March 7, 2019
Teamwork involving self-care and professional care from your dentist will be beneficial in keeping your healthy smile as well as potentially slowing progression of diabetes. Here […]

Why People with Diabetes Are More Prone to Gum Disease

March 5, 2019
Here’s something you probably never realized.  Every person has more tiny bacteria living in their mouth right now, than there are people on the planet! That’s […]

Fun Dental Facts – How many do you know?

February 28, 2019
It’s always a good idea to have some fun hip-pocket information to lighten up a dull topic. What could be fun about dental history, you may […]
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