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Tooth extraction is unlikely to be high on your priority list if your wisdom teeth aren’t bothering you. Furthermore, your wisdom teeth, like the appendix in your mouth, are present without having to fulfill a specific purpose. Without them, you can live a perfectly healthy life. Your wisdom teeth will periodically just sit there in your mouth, causing you no pain. They can, however, throw your body into full disarray at times. That’s why many dentists recommend wisdom tooth removal even if your wisdom teeth aren’t affecting you. If you leave your wisdom teeth in place, they may pose problems for you and your mouth in the future, depending on how they are positioned. Here’s what you should know if you’re considering having your wisdom teeth removed.

Why Should You Remove Wisdom Teeth?

The third set of molars in the back of your mouth is your wisdom teeth. They normally appear between the ages of 17 and 25, and X-rays can reveal them. Some of the causes for wisdom tooth removal include:

  • Wisdom teeth may not come in normally because they are so far back in the mouth. They could get lodged in your jawbone or gums, causing discomfort and pain.
  • If your wisdom teeth come in at a wrong angle, they may press against your other teeth.
  • If your jaw doesn’t have enough room for an extra set of molars.
  • Your toothbrush or dental floss may not reach your wisdom teeth, resulting in dental cavities.

How Should You Prepare For Wisdom Teeth Removal?

You need to meet with the oral surgeon to discuss the surgery. Make certain you discuss the following topics during this meeting:

  • Any health issues you may have should be discussed.
  • Inquire about any concerns you have about the procedure.
  • Choose the type of anesthesia you’ll get. During the process, you will either be numb or sleeping.
  • Make arrangements to take time from work or school for your procedure, and then recover at home. Arrange for kid care, pet care, or a ride home if necessary.

What Should You Expect During The Surgery?

The extraction of wisdom teeth should take no longer than 45 minutes. To keep you pain-free during the procedure, you’ll be given one of the following types of anesthetics.

  • Local – Your dentist will numb your mouth with a local anesthetic such as lidocaine, novocaine, or mepivacaine. You can also take nitrous oxide, usually known as laughing gas, during surgery to help you relax or sleep. You should be aware again after a few minutes.
  • IV Sedation – The dentist will numb your lips and inject you with sedatives through a vein in your arm. You may fall asleep throughout the procedure.
  • General – Medicines will be injected into you, or you will breathe gas through a mask. You will be asleep for the duration of the treatment and may not wake up for an hour or longer.

Your dentist may have to cut your gums or bone to remove the teeth. If this is the case, the wounds will be stitched together to speed up the healing process. The stitches usually fall out within a few days. Gauze pads can be used to absorb part of your mouth’s blood.

If you are looking for a safe wisdom tooth removal service in Street Olds, Alberta, book an appointment at West Olds Dental today!


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